Do you really want to become wealthy?
You’re about to make history. You’re about to
believe in yourself. You’re about to unravel the most
powerful power within you. You’re the creator.
How to become a billionaire? Is it possible? Some people are rare and born lucky. It’s their
destiny. I am not fortunate. I can try but I am not sure. Do I have that potential?
I’m sure you must be having all these questions.
All the people are gifted 24 hours in a day.
No one more. No one less. Yet some have
plenty of time and some no time
If from the moment you are born, you’re equal to everybody with the same amount of time, the same earth and the air
to breathe, then your stars also shine bright to become a billionaire.
The successful people, the achievers prioritize, optimize and maximize their time.
“The two most important days are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain
It takes no time for the universe to manifest what you want. Anytime delay you experience is due to your delay in getting to the place of believing, knowing, and feeling that you already are, already have. When you are on the same frequency, same vibration, what you desire will appear.
Companies studied 1,300 self-made billionaires with
the goal of determining what makes them tick. To
lend the study significant authority and scope, they
covered a two-decade period, reviewed academic
research, case studies, and surveys, and interviewed
more than 30 billionaires. The study showed there
are certain behaviors or mindsets that can prime a
person for extraordinary entrepreneurial or financial
The shift of the entrepreneurial age towards
a younger age bracket indicates a potential
uptick going forward as these younger,
aspiring entrepreneurs gain more experience.
We can find billionaires among the younger
generation nowadays.
You can do it. Your time is now.
No one is going to do it for you.
So, stop blaming others and stop procrastinating.
Stop making excuses.
You must help yourself.
Only you can change your life and save yourself.
I’m gonna help you but you have to be dedicated and committed to yourself.
You have to give your life another opportunity to
change. I believe in you but you must believe in
yourself. The journey you’re about to take if you’re
serious, is inward and not outward. You must give
yourself a chance.
In this program, you’ll develop the discipline and will
power. You will organize your life and the universe
will organize everything for you.
The qualities that build these ultra-successful
empires are
Risk Taking
Having a Clear Focus
Having Determination
No distractions
- Determination
- Self-confidence
- A willingness to take risks
- An ability to seize the initiative
- Perseverance
- Competitiveness
- Self-reliance
- A strong need to achieve
- Positivity
- Good company
- Joy and passion
- Novelty
- When you wake up in the morning, whatever you embed in your minds, will last throughout the day.
- Breathe. Breathing is doping. Inhale and exhale longer breaths. Breathe in and hold few seconds, in between the space, feel love and light vibes, then breathe out.
- Do your normal morning prayers.
- Meditate
- Before even getting out of bed, read the powerful programming with multiplied feelings of love and lighter genuine emotions.
- Feel power in your words and energy expanding from your auric, electromagnetic field to the universe.
- Then offer gratitude to all and God.
- Begin your blessed day and your life of dreams, all the best experiences, uplifting energies, prosperity, positivity, good luck, love, wisdom, have just begun.
“The best prayer is to say Thank you” Mooj
Thank you now as you’re reading it. Everything ….
do now….
Drink more and more water. Go and grab some
water now as it is becoming more interesting.
When you’ve completed the contemplation
and the inward journey, you will feel
powered up to start the thrilling adventure.
You will gain incredible clarity ad focus and
will know exactly what to do and HOW.
It will become automatic, magical and fun. All the routes will appear, the solutions will come, they will
dawn out of the blue and you will achieve your goals faster.
You can use the powerful program to coach others. If you’re a consultant, life coach or guru, you can use the workbook to empower others in their lives.
It has ready-made questions upon these strategic
- Business ideas
- Morning rituals
- Plan and organization
- Budget
- Mindset
- Inner world
- Outer world
- Emotions
- Materialization
You will become an expert to give professional advice to individuals and businesses in their
area of expertise.
- Business consultant – Advisor who helps identify improvements to an organization’s operational efficiency and performance. “Business consulting” can apply to a wide variety of solutions.
Sales consultant – Sales professional who helps develop an organization’s sales process, identifies ways to improve sales performance, and provides sales training to reps.
Marketing consultant – Marketing specialist who helps organizations create and implement marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and generate leads for the business.
Accounting consultant – Advisor who analyzes a business’s financials and helps the leadership team make good financial decisions.
- Technology consultant – Expert who helps organizations implement and/or utilize technology solutions in a way that improves the operations and performance of the business.
- Legal consultant – Lawyer or legal professional who advises a business on legal matters.
- Public relations consultant – Specialist who improves communications between a business and the public.
What are the qualifications to be a consultant?
Because a consultant provides expert-level advice, you must be equipped with resources and workbooks.
Do you have an area of expertise to advise on? Follow these steps closely and you’ll build a
strong foundation for future work, repeat clients, and expanding your reach and reputation.
- Identify your area of expertise.
- Set goals.
- Make a website.
- Get certified.
- Choose a target market.
- Decide where you’ll work.
- Create your offerings.
- Set your rates
- Network with people.
- Know when to say “no.”
- Build a repeatable system for attracting and closing clients.
The workbook is for companies who want to excel, students, mothers, single-parents, doctors, directors, CEOs, professionals and every responsible individual.
You have everything to help yourself and others.